This index lists both the common and scientific names of individual species in
alphabetical order. Alternate names, both common and scientific, are included as separate
For a listing of a common name, look under the last word in the name. For example, to
find the listing for Stephens' Kangaroo Rat, look under "Rat, Stephens'
Kangaroo." (There are a few exceptions to this "last word" rule; e.g.
"Mexican Prairie Dog" is listed under "Prairie Dog, Mexican", not
"Dog, Mexican Prairie.")
Non-English names are listed by the first word in the name, using the anglicized
spelling. For example, the Nepali term for "Snow Leopard", "Hiu
Chituwa", is listed under "Hiu."
- Macaca
- Macaca silenus
- Macaco-caiarara
- Macan Batu
- Macan Dahan
- Macaque
- Macaque, Lion-tailed
- Mach Bagral
- Mach Billi
- 1) Machan Akar, 2) Machan
- madagascariensis, Daubentonia
- Maew
- Maias
- Makaku
- Maki
- Makolili
- Mala
- Malabiso
- Manatee
- Manat�
- Manat�
- manatus, Trichechus
- Mandrillus leucophaeus
- Maral, White-faced
- Marbel Biral
- maritimus,
Thalarctos or Ursus
- Markhor
- Marl
- marmorata,
Felis or Pardofelis
- Marmorkatze
- Marmoset,
- Marmouset � Oreilles Blanches
- Marmot,
- Marmota vancouverensis
- Marnine
- Marodi
- Marsouin du Golfe de Californie
- martinensis, Neotoma
- Marukopta
- matschiei, Dendrolagus
- Mauzi
- maximus, Elephas
- Mbala
- Mbaus
- Mbawa
- Mbwa Mwitu
- Mbughi
- Mecho Bagh
- Mecho Biral
- M�diterran�en, Phoque-moine
- Megamuntiacus vuquangensis
- Megaptera novaeangliae
- Megaptere
- megaspila civettina, Viverra
- melanocephalus, Cacajao
- melanoleuca, Ailuropoda
- Mendesantilope
- Meong Congkok
- Merrin
- mertensi, Suncus
- Mesocapromys
- mesopotamica, Dama or Dama dama
- mesopotamicus, Cervus dama
Mesopotamischer Damhirsch
- mexicanus, Cynomys
- Mhuge
- Miao Thon
- Mico Colimocho
- Mico Le�o
- Mico Le�o Cai�ara
- Mico Le�o de Cara Dourada
- Mico Le�o da Cara Preta
- Mico Leao Dourado
- Mico Le�o Preto
- Mico Tistis
- Micropotamogale lamottei
- Micun
- Miershooptier
- Mindorob�ffel
- mindorensis,
- Mink, European
- minor, Platanista
- minor, Platanista gangetica
- Misi
- Mo
- Mo Mao
- Mokomboso
- Mole
- Moloch
- moloch, Hylobates or Hylobates lar
- molossinus, Pteropus
- monachus, Monachus
- Monachus
- Mongoose, Liberian
- Mongozmaki
- mongoz,
- Monkey,
- Mono
- monticularis, Bunolagus
- Mortloch-Flughund
- moschiferus, Moschus
- Moschus anhueiensis or moschiferus or
- Moschus sibiricus
- Mouse,
- Msongo
- Mulula
- Munjac, Fea's
- Muntiacus,
- Muntjac,
- Muntjac de Truong Son
- Muntjac G�ant
- Muriki
- Muriqu or Northern or Southern Muriqui
- Murning
- musculus musculus, Balaenoptera
- musculus, Balaenoptera
- Mustela
- Muthige
- Mutukenu
- mutus, Bos or Bos grunniens
- Myallen
- myosura, Perameles
- myosura notina, Perameles
- Myotis grisescens
- Myotis, Gray or Grey
- Myouk Umaigyall
- Myrmecobius fasciatus
- Mysateles garridoi
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Last modified: February 11, 2006;